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复旦保送生自主招生 历年来复旦保送生考试题

2023-12-26 05:23:34 | 青橄榄

今天青橄榄小编整理了复旦保送生自主招生 历年来复旦保送生考试题相关内容,希望能帮助到大家,一起来看下吧。


复旦保送生自主招生 历年来复旦保送生考试题



31.The score that a student obtains before any adjustment and transformation is called the score.
A.bare B.raw C.primitive D.crude
32.The play is so intriguing that th audience quickly identified the actors and actresses.
A.by B.for C.with D.on
33.When th chief executive officer was invited to play the piano at the end of the concert, she performed a piece without .
A.inspection B.investigation C.manipulation D.rehearsal
34.The multi-millionaire has reached the point money no longer makes much difference to him.
A.that B.which C.when D.where
35.Helen her former classmate when she was on the train bound for Germany.
A.ran into B.hit on C.brmped against D.rushed at
36.A series of lectures have the students’ interest in science and technology.
A.arisen B.enforced C.risen D.aroused
37.The story goes that Narcissus saw his handsome in the lake and became intoxicated in his good image.
A.reflection B.identity C.impression D.projection
38.The jury eventually reached a(n) verdict on the basis of law and witnesses’ testimony.
A.ingnorant B.pure C.secure D.legitimate

During Washington’s presidency, many improtant things happened. The first national 39 was completed. The total number of U.S. citizens was then 3,929,214. 40 , the Bill of Rights became law on December 15,1791. These ten laws make sure that Amercuabs will have basic freedoms, 41 freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
Washington helped to shape the beginning of the United States in three important ways. First, he commanded the Continental Army that won 42 from Great Britain in the Revolutionary War. Second, he 43 as president of the convention that wrote the United States Constitution. Third, he was the first man 44 president of the United States.
No other American has been honored 45 than Washington. The nation’s 46 , Washington, D.C., was named for him. The state of Washington is the only state that was named for a president. Many counties, towns, cities, streets, bridges, lakes, parks, and schools have his name today. Washington’s portrait appears on postage stamps, on the one-dollar bill, and on the quarter. His birthday is also a 47 holiday.
The people of his day loved Washington very much, His army officers wanted to make him king,but he did not let them. From the time of the Revolution War,his birthday 48 celebrated throughout the country.
39.A.census B.prospecting C.counting D.accounting
40.A.After all B.As a result C.First of all D.In addition
41.A.for instance B.such as C.despite D.besides
42.A.withdrawal B.secession C.independence D.reliance

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复旦保送生自主招生 历年来复旦保送生考试题


2015年 复旦大学 保送生招生(外语类)

学生注重全面发展,热爱语言文学等 人文学科 类专业,具有显著的外语学科特长,具备教育部外语类专业保送生资格,有志于在外语类人文学科潜心发展。
(二)被推荐学生须在2015年1月7日前登录复旦大学招生网( www.ao.fudan.edu.cn )网上报名系统填写并下载相应表格,按照要求完成报名后由中学统一寄送至我校。1月9日左右可以通过报名系统查询审核结果。
(六)教育部规定,“外国语中学推荐保送录取的学生不得录取或调整到非外语类专业”,“不得在发放新生 录取通知书 或新生入学报到环节更改录取专业”。具体政策以2015年教育部、学生所在省级招办和 上海市教委 相关规定为准。
(一)营期为1月17日至1月18日,内容包括:名师讲座、外语交流等。体验营旨在传播复旦大学 人文精神 ,深化营员对外语类等人文学科的了解,培养其对相关学科的学术兴趣,并通过外语基础测试、中英文写作和面试进行选拔。营员可于1月12日左右登陆报名系统查询具体安排。
本次体验营招收的保送生人数不超过100名,宁缺毋滥。招生专业包括英语法语、德语、 日语俄语朝鲜语

复旦保送生自主招生 历年来复旦保送生考试题青橄榄













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